PR & Media Relations

We use our strong journalist relationships and industry experience to build sterling reputations for our clients, which are cultivated and maintained through regular and consistent media exposure. Our friendly and dedicated team are passionate about PR, securing features across a wide range of national, regional and online publications. 


We offer three types of PR packages:


Introductory Retainer

Our Introductory Retainer service allows companies to experience what PR has to offer for the first time. It is designed for providing all of the PR essentials and allows you to personalise your own package to fit your needs.

Standard Retainer

We can tailor your PR activity to focus on specific publications or product campaigns. All Retainer clients receive additional reporting and have a dedicated team who will carry out a wide range of activities.

Premium Retainer

The Premium Retainer offers all the services that the Standard Retainer provides but with additional work on blogger outreach and digital marketing.